Peter Elam Håkansson
Chairman & Group Chief Investment Officer

Based in Stockholm
At East Capital since 1997 / In the industry since 1983
Peter Elam Håkansson is Chairman and the Chief Investment Officer (CIO) of East Capital Group. He has been awarded the Gold Star for best Fund Manager five times by Morningstar and Sweden’s largest financial daily Dagens Industri, as well as numerous Lipper awards for the performance of the funds that he oversees with the support of his multi-cultural teams. East Capital Group has hubs in Stockholm, Hong Kong, Dubai, Tallinn and Mumbai. East Capital Russia, the former flagship fund, was the best performing publicly traded fund of the decade 2000-2009 returning 1565% (USD, Source: Morningstar).
Peter is a board member of various East Capital entities, Bonnier Business Press and the Nordic Brokers Association. He is a supervisory board member of Atlantic Grupa in Croatia and Chairman of the board of the Swedish Music Hall of Fame. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA), Economics division.
Before founding East Capital, Peter held a series of senior positions at Enskilda Securities in London, Paris and Stockholm, where his last role was Head of Equities and Global Head of Research.
Peter holds an MSc in Finance from Stockholm School of Economics and has studied at l´EDHEC in Lille. He speaks Swedish, English and French.

Peter is a sought-after keynote speaker on a wide range of topics including investment philosophy, emerging & frontier markets, entrepreneurship and more.
Some of Peter's recent appearances and contributions:
Montrosepodden (April 2024)
Privata Affärer Podcast (March 2024)
Nordnet Live 2023
Dagens Industri Börsmorgon
Novares Hållbarhetsdag in Stockholm
Fondmarknadsdagen in Stockholm